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Via.app makes discovery easy with unique goods thoughtfully curated by your community. Join your community unlocking quality products at the lowest prices guaranteed.
Farm fresh groceries; local favorites from restaurants, bakeries and shops; on-the-rise skincare and cosmetics, must-have home products; latest fashion in clothing & accessories — enjoy the unique discoveries, and save money shopping curated drops from one app.
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Gurus in food, wellness, beauty, fashion — well, you name it. Share the sixth sense for the latest must-haves with products curated by your trusted gurus in whatever it is you love.
Share the discovery & love, members enjoys group prices by helping others tap into the drops. Better yet, the prices lower as orders grow, available only on Via.app.
Discover together and share the love, and best prices. Members enjoy group prices by helping others tap into the drops. Better yet, the prices lower as orders grow, available only on Via.app.
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Enjoy the things you didn’t know you needed until now. Save the endless search on Amazon, Yelp, Google, Target, Sephora,… discover favorites without seeking them out on Via.app.